We are a small press, and we publish what we like. We like experimental works of fiction that come at readers from odd angles while remaining accessible and compelling to a broader readership than is typical of avant-garde fare. But sometimes, we surprise ourselves and end up liking things outside our wheelhouse, too. Anything goes, really—as long as it fires us up and makes us yearn to bring it to the world.

To us, quality matters more than quantity. Our release cycle reflects this. We prefer to put out fewer works with less frequency, showcasing choice cuts from only a handful of authors at a time. Each release must feel like something special, building our reputation as curators of literary experiences you can be confident are always worth your time and money, regardless of preference for genre or subject matter.

We are stubbornly dedicated to print. Or, at the very least, to works that so fully embody their chosen medium that the two seem inseparable. We believe great art lends itself to a singular mode of expression. When you pick up a Shiloh House Press book, its physical construction should feel essential to the work. If you download an e-book, we want you dazzled by how text and tech come together, in simpatico, to attain a level of immersion a physical book would be hard-pressed to achieve. And yet, should a release be available in multiple formats, we strive to surprise by retaining that crucial something while making each a distinct experience, equally immersive and comparably unique.

Our initial slate of releases over the next two years should paint a fuller picture of what we are about—more so than a marketing blurb on a website could ever do. Ultimately, our readers and authors will decide if we have succeeded in our mission.

We hope that you will be counted among them.

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